Senshi's Stats

Cypherpunk Remailers

This is an automatically generated list of remailer reliability statistics. Please see the Interpretation section below for more information. Mixmaster stats are also available.

$remailer{"nym"} = "<> newnym pgp klen1000";
$remailer{"pantanym"} = "<> newnym newnym2 pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"binski"} = "<> cpunk max middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen2048";
$remailer{"dizum"} = "<> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen64";
$remailer{"frannie"} = "<> cpunk max middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"frell"} = "<> cpunk max mix pgp pgponly repgp remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"hsub"} = "<> cpunk max pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen100";
$remailer{"ipsum"} = "<> cpunk max middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen200";
$remailer{"paranoia"} = "<> cpunk max pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord post";
$remailer{"senshi"} = "<> cpunk middle pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash repgp reord ext max test inflt10 rhop2 klen200";
$remailer{"shalo"} = "<> cpunk max middle pgp pgponly repgp remix esubbf hsub latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop5 reord klen1024";

Groups of remailers sharing a machine or operator:
(devurandom freierede)
(roance cloaked)

Broken type-I remailer chains:
(austria senshi)
(paranoia senshi)
(frell senshi)
(hsub senshi)

Broken type-II remailer chains:

Last update: Sun 22 Dec 2024 06:18:34 GMT
remailer  email address                        history  latency  uptime
binski             ++++-+++*+--  2:32:21 100.00%
dizum               ++**********    25:31 100.00%
frannie                 -+*---++*+++  4:25:06 100.00%
frell      --.-+----+*-  9:34:27 100.00%
hsub        +----#*++*+*  3:24:58 100.00%
senshi            *+++++++++++  1:32:05 100.00%
paranoia ++-+*+****+*  1:17:09  96.87%
shalo                     ++++--++-+-+  4:20:12  96.87%
ipsum                    ++-++-+**+-+  2:57:01  90.62%

History: The result of test messages sent for each of the last 12 days.
Latency: The average default response time of the remailer.

Uptime: The fraction of responses received from tests sent in the last 12 days.