Customizing Reliable
Fix a bug in weekly load as provided in remailer-stats

Bug description.
Reliable provides little information about its load.
The only thing is a sliding total on weekly number of messages processed.
Under special circumstances (heavy load / weak POP server / short retrieval interval),
that figure may become grossly exagerated.
Observation without looking at the code suggested that the number of messages taken into account was
         not the number of messages downloaded
         but the number of messages found on server at the beginning of retrieval session.
Imagine you have 1.000 messages waiting on your POP, and you download them by gulps of 100 messages.
Reliable would say
        1.000+900+800+700.....= 5.500
         instead of 100+100+100...=1.000
Inspecting the code confirms the diagnostic.

Where to peep ?
There is just 1 line of code to change
You will just have to modify the following file:

I had to find the names of the different variables used / you do not have to perform that work.
(Search for characteristic "WeekStats (TotalMsgCount) ")

    End If
    WeekStats (TotalMsgCount)
    Mgr(1).Status = LMsg(64)
    TurnColor 1, False
    SessUp (1)
    SessionRunning = -1
    frmMain!tmrSession.Interval = 300
    frmMain!tmrSession.Enabled = True
End Sub

And replace it with the proper instruction:

    WeekStats (dlcount)

Which gives:

    End If
    WeekStats (dlcount)
    Mgr(1).Status = LMsg(64)
    TurnColor 1, False
    SessUp (1)
    SessionRunning = -1
    frmMain!tmrSession.Interval = 300
    frmMain!tmrSession.Enabled = True
End Sub

I wish I would be able to write all my programs with such an error ratio !
(Should be corrected by RProcess in next release of Reliable).

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