Modifications to Reliable
September 21, 2001

Add "remailer-adminkey" function.

Module "Main.bas"
Module "Process.bas"
Module "Prep.bas"
File "LangConf.dat"
File "ref_conf.txt"
File "config13.DAT"
File "config14.DAT"

First, we need to add the adminkey file to the configuration.

Search for CnfFiles in Main.bas

Public ProgDir As String, BrandNew As Boolean
Public LMsg() As String
Public Cnf(8, MaxConfItem) As String
Public CnfFiles(12) As String

Change CnfFiles(12) to CnfFiles(13).

Public ProgDir As String, BrandNew As Boolean
Public LMsg() As String
Public Cnf(8, MaxConfItem) As String
Public CnfFiles(13) As String


Search for 'remcaps NOP in Main.bas

For i = 2 To 12
    Select Case i
    Case 2
        'remcaps NOP
    Case Else
        fn = ProgDir + "\config" + Trim(Str(i)) + ".dat"
        If SDir(fn) <> "" Then

Change the loop count from 12 to 13

For i = 2 To 13
    Select Case i
    Case 2
        'remcaps NOP
    Case Else
        fn = ProgDir + "\config" + Trim(Str(i)) + ".dat"
        If SDir(fn) <> "" Then

That's it for main.bas.

Add the new "remailer-adminkey" function to Process.bas.

Search for remailer-key in Process.bas

    If Subj Like "remailer-help" Or _
       Subj Like "reliable-help" Or _
       Subj Like "help" Then
        If Dir(ProgDir + "\config13.dat") <> "" Then
            RSrcFile = GetWork
            FileCopy ProgDir + "\config13.dat", RSrcFile
            RSrc = "Help file not found." + vbCrLf
        End If
        If Subj Like "remailer-key" Or _
           Subj Like "reliable-key" Then RSrc = CnfFiles(12)
    End If
End If

Change config13.dat to config14.dat in two places.
Break "RSrc = CnfFiles(12)" to a new line to allow for the new Else statement.
Add the four new code (four lines) to detect "remailer-adminkey".

    If Subj Like "remailer-help" Or _
       Subj Like "reliable-help" Or _
       Subj Like "help" Then
        If Dir(ProgDir + "\config14.dat") <> "" Then
            RSrcFile = GetWork
            FileCopy ProgDir + "\config14.dat", RSrcFile
            RSrc = "Help file not found." + vbCrLf
        End If
        If Subj Like "remailer-key" Or _
           Subj Like "reliable-key" Then
            RSrc = CnfFiles(12)
            If Subj Like "remailer-adminkey" Or _
               Subj Like "reliable-adminkey" Then RSrc = CnfFiles(13)
        End If
    End If
End If

Add a notice about "remailer-adminkey" to your remailer-conf reply.

Search for remailer-key in Prep.bas

    Print #n, "For the help file to this remailer, send a message with subject:"
    Print #n, "remailer-help"
    Print #n, "For the PGP and/or Mixmaster keys to this remailer, send a message with subject:"
    Print #n, "remailer-key"
    Close n: n = 0
    PrepareConf = Dst
Exit Function

Add the two new lines advising of how to get your admin key.

    Print #n, "For the help file to this remailer, send a message with subject:"
    Print #n, "remailer-help"
    Print #n, "For the PGP and/or Mixmaster keys to this remailer, send a message with subject:"
    Print #n, "remailer-key"
    Print #n, "For the Administrator's public key, send a message with subject:"
    Print #n, "remailer-adminkey"
    Close n: n = 0
    PrepareConf = Dst
Exit Function

Done with Prep.bas

Add the prompt and help for the new adminkey file. This is what will show in the Options|Configuration|Files window

Search for remailer-key in LangConf.dat

News Signature
The following text will be added to news posts per Global|News Signature Action.

This entire file will be sent to a user who requests remailer-key.  Paste your remailer's CPunk and/or Mix public keys here.

This entire file will be sent to a user who requests remailer-help.  Customize instructions for your remailer here.


Add the following two lines between remailer-key and remailer-help

News Signature
The following text will be added to news posts per Global|News Signature Action.

This entire file will be sent to a user who requests remailer-key.  Paste your remailer's CPunk and/or Mix public keys here.

This entire file will be sent to a user who requests remailer-adminkey.  Paste your Admin public key(s) here.

This entire file will be sent to a user who requests remailer-help.  Customize instructions for your remailer here.


That's it for LangConf.dat.

To be tidy, modify your Ref_Cnf.txt file to reflect the changes.

' 11  News Signature
' 12  remailer-Key
' 13  remailer-adminkey
' 14  remailer-help (Not in cnffiles)

And, add a line to your help file. (Originally, config13.DAT)

Reliable Help File   [rev 1.0.4]

    This help file describes only the very basic and low-security use of this
    remailer.  For the complete User's Manual, please visit

    This help file is requested by sending a blank message directly to the
    remailer with the subject: remailer-help

    To see the configuration options supported by this remailer, use the
    subject: remailer-conf

    For the public keys to this remailer, use the subject: remailer-key

    For the Administrator's public key, use the subject: remailer-adminkey


Almost done:

  1. Rename your help file, config13.DAT to config14.DAT
  2. Create a new config13.DAT (text file) containing your admin key(s).
    This will be much the same as your remailer-key key file (config12.dat)
  3. Compile Reliable with the changes.
  4. Run Reliable and check your Options|Configuration|Files to confirm the contents of remailer-key, remailer-adminkey and remailer-help files.

That's it. Enjoy!